Job Search Finding A Job

Job Hunting Strategies that Work

finding the right job

Job searching is not about applying for a job and getting selected for an interview. Some people can simply put in an application, call for an interview, and find a job in today’s competitive market. In fact, job hunting is a full-time job. One must find a job that matches your interests and skills, create cover letters and resumes, schedule and prepare for the interviews, and follow up with different potential employers. Though job searching can be an overwhelming task, you can make it simpler by mastering the search process, which, in turn, will help you land on better job opportunities. Here, we are discussing a few essential job-hunting strategies to find a new job.

Research shows that over half of the people who are presently employed are considering getting new work. Furthermore, over half of the people who are currently employed feel that they just have a job, not a fulfilling career. Whether you are a fresh graduate who is looking for your first job, or whether you are tired of your current job and looking for a replacement, these job hunting tips will you to find your dream job.

Essential Job Hunting Strategies to Find a New Job

Get spotted by your dream company- Today’s job market is crowded and one of the most essential job-hunting strategies to find a new job is to ensure that you stand out from the crowd and prove the hiring manager that you are a candidate who they should definitely hire.

Search in the right places- You cannot apply to your dream job if you are unaware of whether it is available or not. Your first step must be to explore and sign up for varieties of job search sites. However, to utilize the time in the best way, narrow in on ones that list the kind of jobs you are searching for. For instance, if you want a job in human resources, search in specialized platforms, along with broader websites like Indeed, CareerBuilder, and LinkedIn.

You must focus on the core places that would make the most sense for your career and do not get distracted by others. While the internet offers a lot of job postings, you can still find your dream position through different means. Several successful job seekers use different job-hunting strategies, like discussing with family friends and office contacts regarding various employers, and attending in-person networking events, industry gatherings, and conferences.

Work on your Resume- Working on your resume to make it look better is one of the most important job-hunting strategies to find a new job. Your resume is prone to influence your chances of getting appointed more than anything else. Research shows that an average recruiter will spend nearly 3.14 minutes reading the resume and will create an impression about you in their mind about whether to hire you within the initial few minutes of reading your Curriculum Vitae. Thus, 1 in 5 recruiters will reject a candidate before they have finished reading a candidate’s resume. Your resume can make or break your job opportunities-which signifies that you should spend more time on improving it. Here are a few tips:

  1. Proofread your resume carefully and edit- Research shows that 59 percent of recruiters reject a candidate due to poor grammar and spelling mistakes as this indicates sloppiness and a lack of attention to details.
  2. Keep it to the point- Avoid being too clever. Be straight to the point and try to keep things simple. Research shows that over half of recruiters reject people because of overusing cliches and trying to be too smart. The same is applicable for design. More than 40 percent of recruiters reject people because of too much design, wrong fonts, emojis, and clip art images. Just keep the resume simple.
job hunting ways

Promote about yourself with a strong application and a digital presence- Once you find a position in which you are interested, write a personalized cover letter for the company. Though hiring managers want to know about the work experience and skills of job seekers, they are interested in knowing what a job seeker can do for their company. Focus on skills rather than focusing on yourself. You might also consider starting a personal site or a blog that focuses on your area of expertise. It not only gives you the opportunity to see the industry from a different perspective but more significantly, it gives you the chance to showcase your knowledge in any given area while building your social status.

Make use of your network- One of the essential job-hunting strategies to find a new job is to utilize your network. It is one of the most common ways till today most of the people use for job search. Connect with everyone whom you know, because you never know who can help you with career advice and a job search. Try joining LinkedIn groups so that you will have access to job listings posted for Group members and more people to build a network with. Set up informational interviews with experts at your target companies to collect more information about a job, company, or industry.

Make sure companies can find you easily- When you are searching for a job, you need to make it simple for the companies to find you online. Companies, who can be inundated with resumes when they post different jobs, often find passive candidates.

preparation for interview

Ace the interview- Of course, a job interview, is what is going to help you find a job. Take enough time to prepare. Research about the company before you attend the interview. Dress properly, practice answering interview questions, and make a determined effort to impress the interviewer with your experience, skills, confidence, and expertise.

Focus on your email- It is often hard to see the correlation between your email skills and your chances of getting appointed, but research and experience show that your email game matters a lot. Research shows that more than 20 percent of hiring managers will not appoint a candidate who did not send a “Thank you” email after getting selected for a job.  In simple words, even if your job application procedure did not take place online, finding the email address of your manager and sending a “Thank you” email can build a close relationship with him. On the other hand, if your job application procedure involves using email, here are a few tips for you:

  1. Make sure your email is personalized and is sent to the right person. This shows that you have done your groundwork and will help you out. Research shows that personalized emails tend to get more responses.
  2. Use the KISS method- Keep both your email body and subject line small and simple. A study that involved 1,000 executives in Fortune 500 and Inc 500 companies found that clear, simple, and attractive subject lines result in more email opens compared to long subject lines. Never delay your follow up. If you do not hear back from the company after 48 hours, follow up. If it has been two or more days and you have not heard back, then you are doubtful to hear back from the company!

Follow these are a few essential job-hunting strategies to find a new job and you will land your dream job.

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