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How to Write an Objective for Resume

writing resume

Well, all of us know what resumes are. All of us know how important it is to have a good resume and how much a bad resume can hurt your capability to achieve your dream career. For every job available in the job market, there are hundreds of qualified people applying for the same job. However, only a few can make it to the top. One of the important things required in this context is a great resume. But, how do you make your resume stand out from others? One of the ways to do so is by writing a killer objective. Here, we are discussing the tips for writing an objective for a resume.

If asked, what is your objective? Well, you may answer, “My objective is to get this job.” Well, it makes sense, but an objective mentioned in your resume is much more than this. So, let us get started with what is a career objective for resume and how to write a good objective for resume.

The objective for resume is a short, targeted statement that outlines your career direction while positioning simultaneously some who fits the employer is searching for exactly. Your objective is to carefully research and tailored to fit according to the job you are applying for.

In simple words, it is not a generic cry to appoint you, it is specific, a targeted way to point towards yourself and say, “Hey, why are you wasting your time with all these resumes because what you are looking for is right here?” It is a small summary of your journey so far and about where you want to reach with the company in which you are applying.

According to the experts of Indeed, “a normal objective for resume can be customized for the job that you are applying for and add value to your CV that will set it apart from other competitors.

Sounds creative, right? So, why doesn’t everyone do the same with their resumes?

The objective of resumes can be a bit controversial. Some people think they can make you appear incompetent, which can be true if you do not do things correctly. There are experts who believe that the objectives must be omitted totally and replace them with the “resume summary statement.”

Tips for writing an Objective for a Resume

Before we move ahead, it is important to clear an important point.

The objective for resume and resume summary statement are not interchangeable. In fact, the resume summary statement is altogether a different thing from the resume summary. As of now, let us focus on the tips for writing an objective for a resume.

Have you ever thought what if you write a resume objective and the hiring manager looks at it and laughs? Are they going to throw your resume without having a look?

You can avoid this. Nobody will laugh at your resume’s objective if you follow the right methods. First, we must figure out what type of job seeker you are.

When should you use a resume objective?

  • Are you new to the job search or do you lack work experience?
  • Do you change industries?
  • Are you targeting a specific position or job?
tips for writing resume

If the answer is “Yes” to these questions, then the resume objective is right for you! If for the above questions, the answer is “No” then, you can consider trying out the option, “Resume Summary Statement.” For those who are in the middle of their career change or who are just freshers, a resume objective statement permits you to explain your goal to an employer-something that your work history might not be able to do it for you otherwise.

Does it make sense?

 Imagine how puzzled a hiring manager would be if they were searching for candidates for their office coordinator positions and you sent a resume with 10 years of experience in advertising. Without an objective statement, the hiring manager might assume that your resume has been sent to them and just discard it.

An objective statement on a resume being submitted for a career-changing position can only assist you.

You can not only use an objective resume to let the hiring manager know that your CV is in the right spot but also to clearly explain that you are making the switch and show your skillset, though not traditionally associated with the job you are applying for, does, in fact, translate and match with a new career path. 

If you are targeting a certain position or job, a career objective for a resume can help reinforce that idea and ensure that the hiring manager knows what you are after, rather than generic. Always remember that your objective is to catch the attention of your hiring manager and stand out from the rest of your peers.

Now, you must be convinced with the significance of an objective in a resume but confused about how to write an objective for a resume. Let us first start with the things we should not write in the objective of the resume.

There are many common mistakes that job seekers make while writing objectives for resume. Some of them are:

Using the same objective for all the job applications

Example- to attain a job within my selected field that will challenge me and permit me to use my skills, past experiences, and education in a method that is mutually beneficial for both you and your company and allow for future advancement and growth.

resume writing tips

One of the important tips for writing an objective for a resume is to make sure you are exactly what the company is looking for.


Make it everything about you

It is a trap that most of the job seekers fall into, as they cannot resist using the objective to list off all the things that they want to get out of the position.

Example: Hello, I am a job seeker and I want a job in a company where I can make lots of money by doing a few things. Oh, and I need a corner office. It would be nice if I get a company car also for commuting. While we are in it, let us talk about retirement, benefits, and the company vacation policy.

You must be laughing after reading this. Right? Even a slightly toned down where you list just what you want is going to come off as absurd to the manager.

Being too ambiguous

Another mistake that many people commit while writing an objective for a resume is being vague. As we said, it is not one size that fits all so by being vague in the hopes of slightly fitting what they are looking for is going to get your resume sent directly to the circular file.

Going on and on and on

One of the common mistakes you should avoid while writing an objective for a resume is being too long. This is not the right way. A career objective must be small and crisp as it is one of the things by seeing which a manager decides whether he or she should call you for an interview or not. Remember, anything more than a sentence or two is too long as a career objective for a resume.

By following the above-mentioned tips for writing an objective for resume, you can be confident that your resume will stand out from others. If not sure, you can have a look at some of the best objective resume examples available online. These will help you to understand the objective part much better.

While some people might believe that the objective of a resume is old-fashioned and outdated. However, if done correctly, it can decide whether your resume attains the top position in the heap or does it end in the waste bin.

Wishing you good luck!

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