Category : Career Advice

Career Advice

What is the Difference Between Laid Off and Fired?

Laid off. Fired. Let it go. No matter which words you use to define losing your job, it can be a difficult and stressful situation- not to mention downright upsetting. Although the terms surrounding unemployment are most often used interchangeably, they are not synonyms. You might think that language does......
Career Advice Courses

Reasons to Pursue an Online MSc Degree

Want to move further than your degree? Start an online MSc course. Studying for attaining an MSc degree is a great medium to expand your knowledge, enhance your career prospects, and recall what you have learned at the undergraduate level. And with MSc courses now available online, you can pursue......
Career Advice How to

How to Identify if a Leadership Role Suits you

Nearly everyone, at a certain point of time in their career, must decide if they want to go ahead with a leadership role. However, many people focus on the wrong factors. Yes, leadership positions come with additional perks, pay bumps, and more esteemed titles. However, to be a successful leader,......