Do you love working from home? Are you able to give your hundred percent and work efficiently like you did when you were working from your office? These days, the number of people working from home is higher than ever and due to the present situation, more and more employees are choosing virtual work. While many like the idea of working from home, it is quite common for people to feel disconnected from their peers and isolated. If you too are feeling the same, then follow these tips to work from home that will not only make you feel better but also improve your productivity.
Working remotely is often considered an incentive for companies that have flexible working options. Whether you telecommute daily most of the time, a few times in a week, or during emergencies only, several challenges can occur. What if you need some information immediately, but your co-worker is not available? Perhaps, you are not sure of how to continue an email or other instructions. Lack of communication or miscommunication can cause substantial issues. Here are a few tips to work from home that will ensure a boost in your productivity.
Important Tips to Work from Home
Fix a schedule- It is one of the vital tips to work from home. When you start working from home, it is normal to feel relaxed. Without a proper routine and a fixed time to wake up, getting ready, and going to the office, many start doing things randomly. Some might wake up late and start to ignore other aspects of their daily routine.
This way, they will find it difficult to focus on their daily duties. Maintaining a fixed schedule during work from home is one of the significant tips to work from home as it can help reinforce clear boundaries when you are on and off from your work.
Install Quality Technology- Working remotely can have its pros and cons. As much as everybody likes to work at their own pace, a poor internet connection or an obsolete system can be frustrating. What happens when you attend an important meeting over an online app and suddenly your internet connection gets lost? Or your sound is not clear enough for others to understand because of poor network issues?
You feel ashamed and majorly, you can miss out on some important points, right?
Ensuring that you have a good internet connection with high speed and no network issue is one of the tips to work from home that you should not avoid.

In such a condition, installing a good wi-fi router will help. A good internet connection is the most important tool required for remote workers. However, to get an affordable network, it is important to research specifications, price, and speed before making a final decision. The rules are quite simple.
ü Do complete research on all the plans that the internet providers offer
ü Research about them on different eCommerce sites
ü Study the basic requirements
ü Take suggestions from friends and relatives
ü Make a final purchase
The same logic applies to a good working system which is a requirement to enhance your working capacity. If your laptop breaks off and starts hampering your work every moment then, it can affect the momentum too. Therefore, not having a proper working device poses a huge challenge to the smooth functioning of work.
ü Buy an affordable device from a reputed brand of technology with excellent features
ü Ensure it retains the recent version of the operating system and processor
ü Maintain it with utmost care
Eat healthily and sleep right- One of the major benefits of working from home is we get free access to our kitchens. As soon as the time or break comes, you rush into the kitchen to grab some snacks. It is one of those tips to work from home that most of us avoid.
This practice does not do any good to you. Following a healthy diet is essential, especially when you are a working person. Therefore, you must eat foods that help your body to function in a much better way rather than draining off your energy.
When in the office, we have access to whatever foods are available in the cafeteria or whatever we brought from home. We are restricted, but at home, it is different.
ü So, you must keep yourself in check and follow a healthy diet.
ü Always eat energizing meals for lunch that include protein, iron, and carbohydrates.
ü Include nuts, fruits, and berries along with some fresh fruit juices in your diet
ü Drink a lot of water
One of the most important activities which get neglected while working from home is one’s sleep pattern. It is the thing which is affected the most when we work from home. However, maintaining the right sleep schedule is important if you want to deliver your best. It keeps your head fresh and clear.
Work from a designated area- Another important one in the list of tips to work from home is to fix a specific area. As enticing as it may feel to sit on your comfortable couch watching TV, multitasking has been shown to lessen your productivity level.
Doing your work in an office or any other designated area enhances one’s ability to focus and brainstorm new ideas. This also lets you have more privacy and develop a more professional environment to do your work.
Many companies use video meeting technology to improve communication among team members. When your colleagues see you working from a clean, professional-looking space, it subconsciously lets them know that you are doing your work correctly and on time.
As far as a designated work area is concerned, there are plenty of things that matter in this context that can improve your productivity level. One among them is plants. Yes, you read it right! This is one of the easiest tips to work from home that you can follow without spending much money.
Besides looking attractive and create a welcoming work area, studies show that there are several scientific benefits of having plants in the area where you work. Plants have been known to enhance your mood, improve your memory, and in turn increase productivity. Here are some of the plants that you can grow in your working area to enhance your productivity level.
Sansevieria (Snake Plant)- In the list of houseplants that can improve your productivity, Sansevieria or snake plant tops the list. With plenty of health benefits, this is the ideal choice for those who want to be more productive. With air-cleansing qualities, this plant works overtime for offering multiple benefits. Keeping this plant near your working space is one of the easiest tips to work from home.
It works both day and night to keep the air inside our homes clean. These plants look beautiful with their modeled leaf forms and plenty of shapes and sizes. The best thing about this plant is it requires less maintenance. They can survive in low lights and even in dry soil for a long period.

Parlor Palm- This air-purifying plant looks beautiful with long fronds in offices and homes. It also saturates the indoor air, which creates a relaxed environment, thus improving productivity.
Monstera- There are two varieties of this plant. These are Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii. These plants not only look beautiful but are functional too in purifying indoor air.
This plant is good for preventing sore throat and different kinds of respiratory issues that somehow indirectly affects productivity.
Kentia Palm- This is a great option to boost work performance as this graceful and elegant plant emits a huge amount of moisture in the air and filters pollutants.
Ficus Benjamina (Weeping Fig)- If you want to get the feel of working in an idyllic tropical oasis, then Ficus Benjamina is the right choice for you. In its natural, humid habitat, Weeping Figs can grow big.
However, in our homes, they can be easily maintained as small and manageable trees- though still notable, you may want to choose this one if you are struggling hard for finding space.
The plant needs indirect light to grow at its best. Maybe you can keep it a few distances away from a bright window or at the back of a light-diffusing blind or a curtain. Overwatering this plant can result in yellow or brown leaves.
So, next time when you feel your productivity is going for a toss while working from home, try to implement these tips to work from home mentioned here and see the difference. Do let us know in the comment section how your boss reacted after seeing an improvement in your productivity.