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How to Decline a Job Interview Invitation

how to decline a job interview

There could be a time when you can interview for a company or position that just is not a right fit. If you are not interested in a position that you have been called an interview for, you must politely decline the invitation. Here, we are discussing the reasons for turning down an interview, give steps, and tips on how to decline a job interview politely.

Reasons why you should not decline a job interview

Some career counselors think that you should never decline an interview- never! You may disagree, but here are five ways you could benefit from attending the interview anyways:

  • It is a chance to practice your interviewing skills. Just like any other skill, you become better with regular practice.
  • It expands the view of the marketplace, offers you an added perspective, and lets you compare better.
  • It gets you into the blend. The present job offer may not be what you want, but it could finally lead to an offer for a better job at a similar company.
  • Sometimes the profile you think you are interviewing for does not a candle to the profession you might be provided if you attend the interview. It might even be a similar job, which was poorly defined.
  • There are times, mainly when you are interviewing with human resources or job hunters, going for the job profile you do not want can lead to an instant offer of a better job.

Reasons to turn down an interview.

When you look for a job, it can seem wrong to turn down a chance to be regarded for any specific position. However, various reasons could force you to refuse a job interview. Some of these include:

  • You conducted some research into the position or company and discovered that your valves are contradictory.
  • Changes in your personal life made a job transition unwarranted.
  • Since the time you applied, you have been given another job that is more suitable for you.
  • Schedule changes in your personal life have made you unable to work hours that the job needs.
  • The company has been suffering financially and joining there feels dangerous.
  • Attending the interview could risk your present unemployment, a chance that you are unwilling to take for the position.
  • You have gone through 1 or 2 rounds of interviews and you have lost interest in the company or job.
  • You know many who are unhappily working in the company.

How to Decline a Job Interview Politely

Here is how to decline a job interview politely in such a manner that is beneficial for the company and you:

  • Be confident.
  • Be courteous.
  • Respond quickly.
  • Refer another candidate.

1. Be sure- One of the most important tips for declining a job interview is to be sure. Numerous reasons would cause someone to turn down an opportunity to job interview. Whatever may be the reason, just ensure it is valid before you send the letter of regret. This is one decision that you cannot take back without hampering your credibility. Here are a few tips that will help you to decline a job interview.

Take some time to consider- Though you must be gauging whether you can the company are the perfect fit throughout the interview procedure, you could get the wrong impression soon. If you have issues, maybe you should respectfully address them in the interview. Keep in mind that a job interview is not like a job offer.  Interviewing, even if you are not sure about the position, or the company, can offer opportunities to practice your interviewing and interpersonal skills. If you are not sure about the job, attending the interview could still be an enlightening experience.

Be careful about your motivations for withdrawing from consideration. Consider whether fear, anxiety, or nervousness are making you want to turn down the interview. If you are still not sure after some self-reflection, consider telling a trusted friend. The procedure of voicing your issues could be advantageous in itself, but their feedback will probably offer you valuable insight too.

Be courteous- One of the significant job interview tips that should be kept in mind while declining a job interview is to remain courteous while doing so. Even if you are uninterested in this specific position at this time, there could be prospects with the company that you want to be deemed for. Be polite and professional while communicating to maintain a positive relationship.

Keep it clear- While writing a job declining email, make sure it is simple and concise. It is unnecessary to offer any certain reasoning for your decision to say no to the interview. Citing a reason could be misinterpreted as inconsiderate or rude, harming your status and any opportunities of being employed with the company in the future. Moreover, it could unreasonably extend the conversation and result in sharing your damaging details.  The only exception would be if you decided to accept a job offer with any other company, in which case it is acceptable to include that as a reason for your decision.

It is unnecessary to offer any specific reasoning for your decision to cancel the interview. Citing a reason could be mistaken as inconsiderate or rude, damaging your reputation and any prospects of being employed with the company in the future. Further, it could needlessly extend the conversation and result in sharing your damaging details. The only exception would be if you decided to accept the job offer with any other firm, in which case it is appropriate to include that as an excuse for your decision.

Respond quickly- Though you should take time to be confident about your decision, you must inform the hiring manager about it as soon as possible. Be respectful of their time and opportunities of other candidates. Your withdrawal will result in an opportunity for somebody else who is also interested in the same position.

Refer any other candidate- One of the best ways to show your initiative and regard for the company is by offering another right candidate for the profile. If you have somebody in mind, be sure to discuss the job with them beforehand to ensure that they are interested in the profile. You can include their name as well as contact information in the email.

Once you send the “cancel interview” email as we discussed earlier, do not relax. Your email may go unnoticed by other parties, so it is a great idea to send them a follow-up email in case they do not inform you about it in a few days. You can use the follow-up reminder feature in an email client to do this.

Inform the hiring manager know as soon as possible if you are canceling the interview-There is nothing wrong in deciding that you do want a job that you have not finished interviewing for- but once you make the decision, do not roam around.

And do not overthink. A simple email that does not go into a whole lot of detail will be enough. If you think you will ever want to contact that person again or apply for a new role a few years in the coming future, ensure to personalize it. Mainly, if you are a few rounds in, several people have invested time in meeting with you and you want to leave the door open for several future opportunities.

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