Category : How to

How to

How to Set up Google Alerts & Its uses

Do you want to receive alerts when your name, your organization, or your more significant keywords are mentioned somewhere online? Google Alerts is one of the best Google apps that let you do that, and it just takes a few minutes to set up this free service. Here are some......
How to

What is SWOT Analysis and How to do it?

If you have worked in a corporate office, you may have heard the term, “SWOT analysis.” This does not have any relation with calculating militarized law enforcement response units. Rather, it is all about taking a long, hard look at your company. A SWOT analysis is a simple, yet powerful......
Career Advice How to

How to Jumpstart your career

It happens to most of us: One fine day you feel all satisfied and comfortable in your cozy job. The next day, you wake and realize that you are feeling something totally different: frustrated and exhausted. Do you want to earn more money? Do you want to handle more responsibility?......
Career Advice How to

How to Identify if a Leadership Role Suits you

Nearly everyone, at a certain point of time in their career, must decide if they want to go ahead with a leadership role. However, many people focus on the wrong factors. Yes, leadership positions come with additional perks, pay bumps, and more esteemed titles. However, to be a successful leader,......