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Are These Points Missing in Your Cover Letter?

what a cover letter should contain

Writing a cover letter is one of the toughest aspects while applying for a job.  You can spend a lot of time writing a perfect letter, but not sure if anybody is reading it or not. Chances are they may not. But if they do, it is the only chance to pitch yourself as the right candidate for the job. Writing a cover letter can be a tedious task.

You need to ensure that it is well-written, shows the employer why you are the right choice for the job, and does not include any glaring mistakes that could cost you a job. It is worth taking your time to make it stand out. So, let us find out some important job search tips that will help you create a unique cover letter.

Job Search Tips to Get Your Cover Letter Noticed

What is the best method to get your cover letter noticed when the employer has to go through a pile of them? First, take your time to write a good one. Some hiring managers expect a cover letter. In such cases, it must be mentioned in the job posting.

Even if it is not needed, though, a well-written cover letter offers you the opportunity to sell your credentials to the organization and to show them why you are a good fit for the job.

According to a survey, nearly 40% of employers are more likely to pay attention when a resume has a cover letter with it. Another survey reported that about 10% of hiring managers would not prefer a candidate who did not have a cover letter.

Things to Include in Your Cover Letter

Like everyone, you want your cover letter to stand out from others. There are a few job search tips that you should keep in mind while writing a cover letter if you aim to leave a lasting impression. One of the most important job search tips that you should keep in mind is to never include personal information or do not mention why you left your last job. Focus on the position for which you are applying.

Another one in the list of job search tips is never to include your salary expectations unless the employer asks you to do. Even then, you must be careful while responding. You do not want to knock yourself out of controversy for the job as you are asking for too much money. You also don’t want to end up getting an offer for less than what you deserve.

important job search tips

Get the basics of your cover letter right- There are a few quick and easy job search tips that you must follow while writing a cover letter that will impress your hiring manager. Have a look at these job search tips and make sure you follow them while applying for a job. Remember, even small changes can result in a big difference.

Select the right kind of letter- Selecting the right type of letter is one of the significant job search tips you should follow. Before you start creating a cover letter, make sure you have selected the right kind of letter. The style will differ based on whether you are writing a letter to send or you are planning to upload with the resume, asking about job openings, or even mentioning a referral.

Find the right contact person- If you can find a contact person for your letter, you can personalize it and you will have somebody to follow up with to ensure your letter gets noticed among other cover letters. If you cannot find somebody, no worries: there are various other options you can use to start your cover letter.

Include a referral- Yes, you read it right! Mentioning a referral is one of the important job search tips. A referral can put in some good words and help you get hired. It is worth spending some time to see if you know anybody who can refer you to the job. Go through your LinkedIn network, Facebook friends, college alumni network to find if anyone you know works in the company who could refer your name.

Select a Basic Font- Font also plays a vital role when it comes to job search tips. While writing a cover letter, always choose a font that is easy to read. Arial Times New Roman, Calibri, and various other non-script, sans-serif fonts work great for the body text.

Size also plays an important role. Don’t use too small texts as the iring manager may find it difficult to read. Based on the font, somewhere between the size 10 and 12 point size is perfect.

Keep the letter short and simple- Another one in the list of job search tips is to keep the cover letter short and simple. Cover letters should not be lengthy. A lengthy cover will make the hiring manager’s eyes glaze over.

A few paragraphs are fine and your letter should not be longer than one page. If your cover letter is too long, never use a small font. Edit and reduce the words instead.

Leave a lot of white space- Another method to enhance readability is to include spaces between the paragraphs, greetings, and signatures. Leaving a lot of space is one of the significant job search tips as it helps readers scan the resume easily.

Use numbers or bullets- Using a bulleted list is another important one in the list of important job search tips. It is a way to get info noticed in your cover letter. Too many paragraphs seem to be a blur, but bullets will help the reader read the content of the page easily. Keep every bullet point short and start with and try to start with an action word.  

Show the employer that you are the right fit for the job- One of the most significant steps involved in writing a cover letter that stands out is making the employer believe that you are the right fit for the job. Doing so will make it easier for the hiring manager to decide that you would be a person worth interviewing.

Match your cover letter with the resume- Select the same font for both your cover letter and resume. This way, your application will look professional and polished. Do not mix the fonts. It is perfectly fine to have a different font for the headers of your page but make sure you are consistent with the font you use in your resume as well as the cover letter.

Match your skills with job qualifications- One of the significant ways to get your cover letter to stand out from the crowd is to make a match between the job requirements listed in the ad and your skills. Never expect the employer to find it out. If you do it, it will increase your chances of getting a call for the interview.

Focus on your relevant skills- Do not use your cover letter to rehash and repeat whatever is present in your resume. This is a chance to focus on your skills and attributes that will help the employer. Mention the top skills that make you a perfect fit for the job.

Customize your cover letter- It is of no use to send a cover letter that is not targeted. This is your pitch to get an interview call, so take your time to customize your letter, mention a referral if any, and share your top qualifications for the job. Never use the same cover letter for every job.

End with your follow-up plan- If you have a contact person, talk about how you are planning to follow up with them. No matter whether you have a contact person or not, include your contact information so that it becomes easy for the employer to contact you. Lastly, add a closing along with your name, and you are done!

Check for any typos or grammatical errors- Before sending the cover letter, it is important to go through it once. This will help you find grammatical errors or typos if any.

First, send it to yourself- Email a copy of the cover letter to yourself for the final check.

So, next time before applying for a job, don’t forget to follow these job search tips. Do let us know in the comment section how did these tips help you find your dream job.

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