While some job interviews take an unusual approach to interview questions, most of the job interviews involve an exchange of common interview questions and answers. Here are some of the common job interview questions along with the ways to answer them.
Many of us think how great it would be if we knew what questions a hiring manager is going to ask in the job interview. We cannot read minds, unfortunately, but we will give you the next best thing: a list of common job interview questions, along with suggestions for answering them. While we do not recommend having a prepared response for every interview question, we recommend spending time getting comfortable with what you might be asked, what managers are looking for in your answers and how can you show that you are the right person for the job.
List of Common Job Interview Questions with Answers
Interview preparation- No need to memorize an answer, but do take time to consider how you will answer. The more you prepare for the interview, the more confident you will feel. When you are not sure what to expect during an interview, take time to review this refresher on how the interviews work, and useful tips that will help you ace the interview.
Here is a list of common job interview questions, with answers about you, your experience and work history, your goals, the job, salary, and the new job, and what you provide the employer.
Classic Interview Questions
These frequently asked questions touch on the things that hiring managers want to know about every candidate: who are you, are you fit for the job, and what you are experienced at. You may not be asked precisely these questions in similar words, but if you have answers in mind, you will be prepared for just about anything the interviewer asks you.
Tell Me about yourself- This question seems to be simple, so many people do not prepare for it, but it is important. Here is the deal: Do not give your complete personal or employment history. Rather give a pitch- one that is concise and exciting and that shows why you are the right fit for the job. Experts recommend using a present, past, and future formula. Talk a bit about your existing role, then give some background information as to how you got there and your relevant experience.
What are your biggest weaknesses- Everyone knows how to answer this question: just choose a theoretical weakness and transform that flow into a strength in camouflage. For instance: “My weakness is I get so absorbed in the work that I forget time. I know I should be aware of the time, but when I start working, nothing else comes to my mind. So, your “biggest weakness” is that you put in more hours than others? Great.

One of the best ways is to choose an actual weakness, but one which you are improving. Share what you are doing to get through that weakness. Nobody is perfect, but showing you are inclined to honestly self-access and then seek ways to enhance comes pretty close.
Why do you want to join this company?- This is one of the common job interview questions that are asked by hiring managers. Do not give generic answers. If what you say can apply to a whole slew of other organizations, or if your response makes you just like other candidates, you are missing a chance to stand out. Do thorough research and tell something that makes the company unique that you found appealing. Tell about how you saw the company’s growth and change since you heard about it for the first time; focus on the company’s opportunities for future growth and how it can contribute to the growth; or share what are the things that excite you. Whichever way you select, make sure you are specific. And if you don’t know why you want to join the company where you are giving the interview, then it is a red flag for you.
Why Should we hire you?
This question seems to be quite forward, but if you are being asked, you are lucky: There can’t be a better situation where you can sell yourself and your experiences to the interviewee. Here, your job is to craft an answer that covers three important things. These are you can not just do your work, but deliver the best results; you are a perfect fit for the team, and that you would be a better hire compared to other candidates.
What are your biggest strengths?
There are 2 answers you can give when asked this question: about your actual strengths and what you think the manager or HR wants to listen to. It is always better to choose the first option. For this question, you would want to limit your answer down to at most three strengths. Choose 1 or 2 skills that would help you excel in the job along with 1 or 2 personal skills.
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
The interviewee asks this question to check how ambitious you are. In this situation, you can give an optimistic answer like I want your job. Or the candidate tries to show their humility as that is what the hiring manager thinks you want by giving a meek, self-derogatory reply: “Here, there are so many talented people. I just want to work efficiently and see where my talents take me.”

In either of the cases, you learn nothing, other than probably how well candidates can sell themselves. For the interviewers, here is a great question: “What kind of business would you like to start?”
This question applies to all companies, as every employee at every organization should have an entrepreneurial mindset.
The business a person would love to start tells you about his or her dreams and hopes, passions and interests, the work he or she loves to do, the people with whom he or she loves to work with- so sit back, relax, and listen.
What made you leave your current job?
This is one of the tough job interview questions, but this is one question that will be surely asked. Keep things positive. You will not gain anything by speaking negative things about your current company. Instead, you should frame things in such a manner that will show your eagerness to take on new opportunities and that the role for which you are attending the interview is a perfect fit for you. For instance, “I would love to be a part of product development from the initial stage to end, and I am sure I will get the opportunity here.” And if by any chance, you were asked to leave from your job, then while explaining, keep it simple like,” Well, unfortunately, I was asked to go”. This is an acceptable answer.
Wrapping up the interview
When the time comes to wind down the interview, you might have a chance to add any last thoughts and you will almost surely have time to ask questions that will help you to decide if this role and the company might be apt for you. If they do not give you time to ask any questions, then consider it as a red flag.